First take a look through the designs on this page and when you choose what you would like take a note of the names. Then click on the Man-Made Fabrics to choose your base. You can add to the notes how many metres of each design you would like in the box provided.
We base scale on the largest elements being around 6-8cm depending on what it is. It you want to go smaller or slightly larger please just ask us and we will meet your requirements.
Swim Safe Designs
Within the last year there has been a massive emphasis on the need for more swim safe designs. These types of designs use colours that are really vibrant and can be seen under water at great depths. This can help in being able to see where your children or friends are in the water at a glance.
Globally, an estimated 235,600 people drown every year, and drowning is among the ten leading causes of death for children aged 5-14 years and the leading cause of death in children 1-4 years old.
One thing our swim safe fabrics will have over many others is that we use water based inks which react under ultra violet light. This means they will visually aid you in sunlight and low lighting conditions.
If a design has a decent amount of red in it then we will just change the standard yellow ink for the florescent yellow because the magenta standard ink gets swapped for a fluorescent pink ink. With saying this you may see some shade differences between the design itself and the finish result.
We are going to be adding so many designs to this in the coming weeks.